Sunday, August 23, 2020

Things That Are Making a Difference


Here are a few things that are making a difference in my day to day living.

They make perfect sense to me in context.

This is not a lofty list of daily goals.

I wouldn't like them if they were, and besides...nobody's got time for that.


If not for the current state of affairs, I don't know that I would have discovered/rediscovered these things, but I am sure glad I did. 


I am just as surprised by how eclectic this list is as you may be.

These things have been distractions in the very best way.

In no particular order, here is my list:)


My continued love of YouTube :

Yes, I still watch YouTube videos on the smokey eye. In fact I have a blog post draft waiting to be published.

Now, however, I am looking for the perfect eye makeup tutorial on an AGE REVERSING, MAGICALLY ENHANCING AND MAKES YOU LOOK YOUNGER SMOKEY EYE. 

I will let you know as soon as I find one:)

Other YouTube video obsessions include watching professional barrel racing (search Hailey Kinsel Lockwood from Cotulla,Texas on her horse Sister), organizing a pantry with two weeks of groceries, making South Texas cheese enchiladas that are in the same universe as Taco Ole, and everyone's favorite list of Amazon purchases (I am easily influenced).


New Rules House Cleaning:

I am keeping a tidy house during all of this, the laundry is usually done , the sinks are usually clean, and I am a wiping machine. It is all about WIPING.

How you might ask?

Attention Wandering Disorder.

I sit a bit and investigate serious topics on the internet (not), my attention starts to wander, and I hop up and clean something.

I also bought exotic smelling cleaning products with names like Eucalyptus Mint, and it is like being transported.

And finally my Dyson cordless vacuum is my new best friend. If I can figure out how to attach it to me with a harness, my New Rules Cleaning Method will be complete.

British Crime/Procedural Shows, Audio Books, Amazon Music, and Instagram Posts That Make Me Laugh Out Loud:

These things fall under entertainment:)

British Crime Show Favorites:  

Line of Duty, Vera, The Bay, Silent Witness

At the beginning of all of this, I gave myself permission to add whatever streaming extras that Netflix didn't cover.


Audible Favorites:  

Anything Louise Penny , and the good news is her newest book comes out September 1st. Audio books only work for me if the narrator is good and does not get on my last nerve (Princess and the Pea Syndrome) .


Amazon Music: 

My August 2020 playlist includes:

Something About You by Level 42 

I'll Take You There by The Staple Singers

Green River by Creedence Clearwater Revival          (best song if you want to dance the Bus Stop)

Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by The Hollies

This list makes perfect sense to me, and it plays well with vacuuming:) 

Making playlists of songs that transport you out of that "at risk age group" label is a game changer.

And Instagram Posts That Make Me Laugh Out Loud

Any funny posts by @cattlebaronincashmere make me laugh out loud , and the double whammy is her fashion, jewelry, and entertaining posts are amazing. She has exquisite taste.

And @thelesliejordan     There are no words:)                       



I hope you have a list.

Let me know what is on yours.

We MUST have a list friends:)

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Stacey said...

It's just a great day when you post, Laura. I am also watching too much YouTube!! The subjects I'm watching these days include decorating, building a pantry in case of another shut down, gardening, fashion, and more. Please let us know when you find the perfect smokey eye that makes us look younger.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We're watching a British crime series now -- "The Loch" -- which is really good.

Theresa said...

We are all making it thru these times the best we can! I do a lot of cleaning/wiping too. I have used the time at home de-cluttering and that feels really good. I watch you-tube when I need help fixing something. Funny how much you can find if you just search. Enjoy your day dear friend, hope it's a good one! HUGS!

Jeanie said...

Our lists have some similarities. Like you, I realized that if we were going to be "in" for so long, I had to have my Brits so added those streaming services and have been loving both the British mysteries (my favorites), some travel (There's a wonderful one on Acorn, "Discovering Britain") and even a few comedies ("Delicious") and film. I cannot WAIT for the newest Louise Penny. I'm living much tidier at the cottage and suspect when I get back home will continue to do the same, at least keeping things sanitized (no comment about the darkest, deepest corners.). I'm writing more, painting more, reading more. And giving myself permission to do it. And yes,sometimes just 'being' -- thinking, walking, daydreaming. All good.

Scribbler said...

Our lists are pretty similar! I have been addicted to British crime shows (and books) for years. I use that term loosely and also encompass shows from Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Right now I am hooked on Anne with an E.I would probably add cooking. I have tried many new recipes, made a lot of old comfort foods that I haven't thought about in years, and tackled many projects, one very daunting (upholstering a sofa). Thank for for Leslie Jordan and a few others who give me daily laughs!

Brenda said...

I have been binging some Netflix shows and have recently discovered the Canadian series Heartland on Netflix. Set on a 600 acre cattle ranch in Alberta, Canada, the scenery is spectacular and we are loving the multigenerational family that lives there. Personal struggles, beautiful horses, scenery, and just a feel good show without all the offensive language and drama that a lot of Netflix offers.

Caryn said...

Since staying inside so much I've been cleaning closets and drawers! Going through old pictures has been a trip down memour lane!
I finally watched "The Crown" and am now watching "Reign." I just finished painting a little table I think I bought in Round Top years ago.
I follow Hailey on Instagram! She is so fun to watch!
Living in South Texas I told a friend I'm wearing a water hose more than my earring this summer!
Love your posts!

Betty said...

"Attention Wandering Disorder" I KNEW there was a description for what I have. :) I love YouTube! May I recommend "Shetland" and "Midsomer Murders". If you have AcornTV, try "Mystery Road" and "Brokenwood Mysteries."

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh Laura, first thing I know for a fact is talking to you is a must and it makes a huge difference in my life!
Laura, your eclectic list is so you, my wonderful friend! Okay, I need to follow your lead, I know it’ll help keep me going! I do have a wide range of things that are helping me keep my sanity. And some days I wonder about that! My list and I must underscore these little things because they really, really make me happy. Knitting, swimming, reading cookbooks, blogs and Instagram to name a few. I clean, spray and wipe down! I clean, spray and wipe down! There you go! During this time and actually much of my time I’m
soothed by prayer, hymns and all kinds of music! If I’m in a funk, I make another playlist! My music 🎶 is a glorious thing I can’t live without!
Love you Laura Harrison!

Dixie said...

Hi Laura! Well I don’t have a list. As you probably know from Instagram, I’ve become the decluttering Queen this summer. Now you’ve inspired me, once again, to do something positive for myself! I’ll make a list (mine will be much like yours)! You should check out Jennifer Garners cooking show on Instagram. She’s adorable, and sometime calls her mom for a beloved recipe & help with cooking it! Sound familiar? I sent my daughter the link to cooking cornbread, and we both died laughing...

Alrighty, off I go to do more decluttering! God bless & see ya again.soon!

CHERI said...

Well, this was VERY interesting and I need all the ideas I can get. I don't really have a LIST per se, but I HAVE TO HAVE a project going at all times...if not I will go crazier than I already am. I have absolutely hated (and still hate) all this isolation and mask business! BUT!!! It has caused me to get a lot done. I love, love to organize and have organized literally every closet, drawer, and cabinet in our house...except my husband's office and he absolutely refuses to let me near it. AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS BECAUSE IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE ORGANIZED!!! So other than decluttering and organizing, what I have I done the last few months??? Finished some scrapbooks for my grandkids, read some good books, went through my (literally) hundreds of recipes & purged many, many, many (cause I knew I would never make them!), yard work, cleaning, reorganizing picture albums, and I'm sure more. I do watch a lot of youtube, write my blog, send emails, and be on call for my 14 yr. old granddaughter when she wants me to chauffer her somewhere (and I love that the most). Please post about any interesting projects I might can jump on because I've about used up all my ideas!!!!!

Deanna Rabe said...

What a great post! This post inspired me and cheered me!

Creations By Cindy said...

Girl, let me know when you find eye shadow to make one look younger! Matter of fact, if find anything on that subject let me know so I can watch it! LOL! Loved reading this post. Happy September sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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Darren Demers said...

At the beginning of all of this, I gave myself permission to add whatever streaming extras that Netflix didn't cover.
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Angel17 said...

There are many things that can make a difference. Keep sharing! Wood Fence Installation Amarillo, TX

Michael Findley said...

Things That Are Making a Difference include a variety of aspects. Projects that range from sustainable practices to educational accessibility are reshaping our world. The ability to buy assignments online is an important change that is changing the dynamics of education.

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