Fall has arrived here in El Paso.
This is our second fall season in our home after living here almost 15 months.
This is a comfortable house.
I have learned that I still love and enjoy my fall things from the past, but I am now seeing fall in unexpected places-
like this pillow I found at the Santa Fe flea market, or the colors of the nicho I found years ago at the McAllen flea market.
Those things look like fall to me too.
Those things look like fall to me too.
But, the very next minute I turn around and see my beloved blue and white and my gathered and collected fall things from years past, and I think, 'that looks like fall'.
And so it all is, right?
I hope your fall season is wonderful!
Don't forget to look in unexpected places:)
If this is your last stop on our tour, organized by the wonderful Katie of Let's Add Sprinkles, we are so glad you visited. Here are links to all of the tours.
Just enter your e-mail address.