Does anyone else have turkey cooking memories from years past?
I do.
At this point you may be thinking 'of course you do Laura'.
I began my early marriage cooking history thinking that someone else older and turkey wiser than I would always take care of the turkey.
I helped in the kitchen of course, and I contributed some sort of side or dessert, but I was not in charge , and it never dawned on me that I ever would be.
I postponed that thinking because I still had one foot in 'sitting at the kid's table thinking'.
Oh the blessed cluelessness of youth.
I remember my mother talking about how the Riverside brand of turkey at HEB was just as moist as a Butterball and how lucky I would be if I ever had double ovens in my kitchen.
I cooked my first turkey in a tiny rent house on Glasscock Road in Mission, Texas with an even tinier kitchen.
While standing in the middle of the kitchen, I could rest my elbows on the counters on either side.
I used the handwritten recipe of a new colleague at Sharyland High School- where I had just started teaching.
Her name was Martha Louise Kendrick.
Martha Louise's recipe was certainly a method different than what my mother, grandmothers, or aunts used.
She wrapped her turkey in a cheesecloth that had been soaked in melted butter.
This sounded very exotic to me, but I was determined to try.
This was of course long before cell phones, unlimited long distance, or Butterball hotlines.
I can't tell you if it was a success.
It was more like wrestling...
very slippery, buttery wrestling.
But one thing happened that day.
I took a giant step away from the kids' table.
November 16, 2018
40 years later.
I just got back from the WalMart near our house after stopping by Albertson's and a WalMart in a different location.
I was on the hunt for a 24-25 pound Butterball turkey.
I learned years ago that if I am going to cook a turkey, we are going to have plenty to share with family members and to have as leftovers.
The nicest meat department manager was unboxing Butterballs.
I asked him for the size I wanted, and he found a 24 pound turkey , and it was on sale for 98 cents a pound.
At this stage in life, I think I am finally past worrying about poisoning everyone because of my rebellious thawing techniques.
I have also learned in the last 40 years that at 5:00 am Thanksgiving morning when I am wrestling (once again) with the turkey, that that is a solitary sport.
At this stage in life, I think I am finally past worrying about poisoning everyone because of my rebellious thawing techniques.
I have also learned in the last 40 years that at 5:00 am Thanksgiving morning when I am wrestling (once again) with the turkey, that that is a solitary sport.
I am grateful for that young woman wrestling in that kitchen 40 years ago, because she was learning then and gaining her adult footing.
I am grateful to Martha Louise Kendrick, and for all of the turkeys since then-
I am grateful to Martha Louise Kendrick, and for all of the turkeys since then-
wrestling and all:)

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