Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thoughts of Home #39

Happy Thoughts of Home Everybody.  

This is such a beautiful time of year and we love seeing what you have to share. Before we proceed, we want to invite you to visit Thoughts of Home Stunning Thanksgiving Vignettes next week, November 7-11. We'd love for you to link up with us on Thursday.

Our hostess this week is Stacey from Poofing the Pillows. She's busy packing boxes and preparing to move shortly. You are invited to follow the adventures on Instagram.

Now onto this week's features.


Jeanie at The Marmelade Gypsy makes regular visits to the most beautiful place called Southern Exposure. While there she visits the gardens, has wonderful meals, and participates in art classes. It looks just wonderful!


Now get ready for this decadence! Daphne at Ivy, Phyllis and Me shared Brioche Bread Pudding with butter, marmalade, and dark chocolate. That just sounds incredible!


At Mia Bella Passions, Tracey introduced us to the sweetest new plant called Garvinea. 
Just looking at this flower makes me smile.
I look forward to finding this plant and adding it to my gardens. 


Turning a carport into a garage looks like a piece of cake at Hawthorne and Main. 
Be sure to check out the amazing job they did all on their own and take a peek at the floor.


At While I Linger, Jolena shared shots of her home dressed to welcome Autumn. I love the way she includes items that mean something special to her in the decor.

Thank you sweet friends for following along with us week to week.
This linky party is really about you and how you make your homes special. 

We ask that you please:
1. Link back to this post or any of the four hosts websites.
Stacey from Poofing The Pillows
Laura of Decor To Adore
Jemma from At Home With Jemma
Laura of White Spray Paint
2. Share up to three of your favorite posts, remembering to not link to advertising or shops.

By linking up you are providing permission that Thoughts of Home on Thursday can feature your post and accompanying photos on future blog posts or other forms of social media such as Facebook and Instagram. A link back to your blog will always be provided.

Thank you so very much for joining us, and we hope to see you each and every week at
Thoughts Of Home On Thursday. Image Map

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Daniela said...

Dearest Laura,
thanks most sincerely for hosting me today !
Last week features are so captivating and to be here is always such a delight !

With so much gratitude I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
sweet friend

Xx Dany

Jeanie said...

All signed up and ready to go.

Thank you all so very much for featuring The Marmelade Gypsy! What a treat!

Pat said...

Amazing featured guests, dear friend!
Thank you for hosting Thoughts Of Home On Thursday! each week!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!

Summer said...

The bread pudding looks wonderful ♥

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, this is simply brilliant!! I have bookmarked it for myself, the view of cottage from the garden is awesome.

Best wishes!

Jasperbrad said...

THOUGHTS OF HOME #39, Office Move: Amidst the familiar musings of comfort and nostalgia, a new chapter unfolds. As we bid adieu to the echoes of laughter and camaraderie, we embark on an odyssey of change – an office move. In this intersection of sentimentality and anticipation, we carry the essence of home within us, infusing it into the spaces we inhabit. It's not just a physical transition; it's a journey of heart and soul, where every step resonates with the echoes of belonging.


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