Here are some things ricocheting around in my steel trapped mind this morning.
Let’s go!
* In writing a recent post on 5 Tips For Lower Ceilings, I faced a spelling dilemma.
I have always spelled moulding that refers to the trim used in a home with a ‘u’.
Many businesses who sell such moulding spell it the same way.
Then there are those that spelling it molding.
The solution? I have no idea.
I spelled it with a ‘u’ and always have, but I wanted you to know that I know, in case you were wondering
while reading ,’Why is Laura spelling moulding with a ‘u’?’.

*Recently I shared information in this post about a series titled Poldark that I said could be found on Netflix.
That is completely wrong .
Poldark is a PBS series that is available through your Roku or your Smart TV on Amazon Prime.
If you are still interested in the series after all of this nonsense, it can be found there or at PBS.org.
The term Smart TV and my relationship with the inner workings of my TV are not a fit.
It is an ongoing struggle.
Remember…we still call the remote the Changer.

*My Google Friend Connect gadget that appears on my sidebar- showing all of your wonderful faces past
and present- is now showing an ‘Unfollow’ button instead of a ‘Follow’ button.
I could veer off into a lengthy spiel about why that is ironic and how I care too much about
such ‘follower’ nonsense, but I won’t.
I also don’t have a clue why these things happen on Google.
The wonderful Linda of My Fairy Blog Mother is looking into it for me.
Linda is like a blog paramedic who responds quickly, handles the situation, and is a compassionate friend all
at the same time..
*I redid a recent Peek User Testing exercise where a video is created of someone navigating my
blog and making comments you can hear.
I did this once before, but I thought I would do it again.
Here was the consensus of the second reviewer.
The format of my blog makes sense, but its title White Spray Paint does not- since I am not selling white spray
paint or using it very often.
He felt I should change the name of my blog.
Over the years I have realized this is an issue in my tiny corner of blogland, but I am not afraid of issues, and I
am all about the metaphor.
It isn’t about a physical can of spray paint but what my mother taught me to do with it.

Remember this first post from the dark ages?
White Spray Paint
This explains it all.
Have a great week!
I’ll be back this week with a post titled
Convenience Creates Clutter.
Stay tuned!