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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dear Daughters: Entertaining Yourself

Dear Daughters,

In order to understand this letter, I'd like you to go back in time with me to the late 60's and a ranch in deep South Texas.

There you'd find me , home from Saint Mary's Hall for the holidays or summer, driving around the ranch, or driving down the highway to Santa Elena,or San Isidro, or even Hebbronville, if I was really restless.

You see I was entertaining myself, and exploring, and thinking, and day dreaming, and above all listening to music.


I still do the same thing today.

I was so blessed to have parents who understood and trusted and expected the right things.

Living 'in town' for many, many years hasn't provided the same context, but I smile and do it anyway.

Translation:  this may not make sense to others.

I know you have this in you.


I've been in the back seat while you were driving.

I love you, Mom

PS:  Adele's When We Were Young has been my latest driving go to.

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  1. Love this! And yes, while I grew up "in town", there were many days/nights I would just drive and explore. I think we had a bit more freedom to do so back in the day. One of the things I do miss about our daughter being at Baylor was our long drives to and from the University.

  2. We are twins separated from birth, no doubt about it!!!
    Love you, dear friend.

  3. I get this..sweet, and yes aren't Adelle's tunes perfect driving accompaniment!

  4. Road trip! To this day, I think nothing of hopping in my truck and driving 15 hours to the mountains of Colorado. I. love. to. drive. All my friends know that even if we go in their cars, I'm the one who will be driving. You must be my sister by another mother. Love this post! Cherry Kay

  5. Your posts have always resonated with me as we have daughters about the same age. Its very difficult in so many ways and angles. We should have a blogger support group for women with daughters!


  6. Been there---done that! My daughter is a blessing beyond compare!

  7. I remember feeling such freedom when I got my driver's license! Just me and road and no where special to go. Didn't we do a lot of soul searching and figuring out behind the wheel of a car?

  8. My son loves to go out driving too. He calls it his thinking time and does it a lot especially around big decision-making periods!

  9. Well thought out and well said. Thank you so much for sharing over at Celebrate Your Story...this really tells a lot about your story!

  10. I hope that the members of the generation growing up now will have the ability to amuse themselves. I wonder about all the time spent with gadgets, and I don't have much faith.
    I love to drive with the music cranked up, singing along!

  11. Love this! When my daughters were younger I always told them to be their own best friends and to be their own entertainment committee. Thanks for sharing this lovely post at Celebrate Your Story!


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