Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Encouragers

Gardent Statue

I can’t imagine life without the encouragers who cross our paths.

They say to you and to me, wherever we meet,

I see you, you are not invisible, I see your effort, and I get it.

This is not just about complimenting people (which seems to be a lost art these days), but rather about noticing

It is one of my favorite things to do,with people I know and people I don’t know.

With people I know, it is part of friendship and connection.

It is commiserating or laughing wildly at what we both think is crazy.

It is saying to each other “I get you” .

With my students it may not have sounded complimentary , but it was.

Usually quietly at my desk I might say, ”You need to straighten up”, or “You know this, why aren’t you showing it?”, or “You’re smarter than this”.

With people I don’t know it happens in random places:

saying to a passing shopper at the grocery store “your hair looks great”,

or to a sales clerk who looks teary-eyed “everything’s  going to be ok” ,

or to the young Geek Squad member at Best Buy who is trying to explain why my computer is not really broken, “you’re doing good-hang in there with me”.

Blog land is full of encouragers.

They write emails to bloggers who are absent and ask if everything is ok.

They read posts and comment.

They continue to comment even on one way streets.

They write comments to say “they are glad you’re back!".


Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Commenting and noticing friends, family and familiar faces is easy...
commenting to strangers is a little bit harder. But my-- the expressions on their faces is the pay off!
I tend to speak to the young mom with children in tow and the grocery store; or the elderly.
I will sometimes only say 'hello' or "hi how are you?'-- or especially if one child is acting out, I might say-- 'be good, mommy's almost through shopping' or some such thing.
The expressions are priceless. A {smile}!

...and I love it.
Love your thought provoking writing.

Connie said...

I have checked frequently to see if you had written a new post, & was so disappointed when there was none. And then today.....I see not just one new one, but two!! I'm very happy to "see" you again! Your words make me smile, give me things to ponder & always give me a feeling that you are like that long ago friend who has remained a part of my life. :)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Beautifully said. xoox

Stacey said...

Yes ma'am. I know that most of us in blog land will never meet but we have made connections and I miss people when they are absent. :)

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a lovely post Laura and I so love encouraging folks and try to be one to those I meet as well. Happy new week!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Laura,
I agree. It's good to be an encourager and to know those that are encouragers. I think that when you give genuine complements to others you not only make them feel better but yourself as well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for encouraging others to be more mindful of kindness.


Pura Vida said...

You say it so well and I'm pretty sure you're a blessing walking around waiting to be

janice15 said...

Well i dont always get to visit often but i enjoy visiting when I can strangers or not, i believe we get to know each other by our wirds post and what nots.. happy Blessed Sunday with love Janice

Jojo said...

And boy howdy. We need more encouragers. Such a great way to start the week.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, the encouragers in the blogosphere help to make up for the occasional troll!

Deb said...

Well said! Sometimes one kind word can change a persons day or life

Donnamae said...

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word...or an email. You are right....we do make connections in this internet world...cheers to us! ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen to this. i agree 100 %

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

I do try to be an encouager too. It takes no effort at all to be kind, and like you ssaid, to NOTICE people. I answered your question on my blog but the short answer is alot came form Home Goods and several from my son. He had an atnique shop for several years. Have a beautiful day!

Pondside said...

Like so many others, I am happy to see your name pop up on my reading list.
I have had reason lately to be very grateful for the Encouragers in my life. Sometimes peoe have no idea at all of the impact of a caring word or a virtual shoulder squeeze.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

It is so true, we all love people who encourage us. Whether online or in "real time". Small gestures can have such impact.


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