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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 3: Knowing What you enjoy



It’s time for a disclaimer. 

I am not living life in any kind of perfect zen-ness.

I fight the same things you do.

It is so easy to fall back into complicated living and especially complicated thinking.

I do have more moments than not, however,  when I feel a sense of peace and gratitude that I enjoy simple living.

I truly enjoy it.

I know what that looks like , and I know you do too. 

That in itself simplifies things, doesn’t it?

So your homework today (yes, I said homework- see Day 1), is to write your list.

What do you enjoy?

What gives you that sense of peace and calm (and fun!) more than anything else?

Here are a few things on my list:

Watching college football on television with my husband.

Planning what to cook for college football watching.

Doing things with my daughters- especially exploring for treasures.

Sitting in a ballpark watching my grandsons play baseball.

Saying ‘whatever you want’ when they ask me what’s for breakfast.

Going to the flea market with my trusty cart and a cup of Chick Fil A coffee.

Now write yours!


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have a wonderful blog. It made me so happy to read what you said.
    I enjoyed your words so much and feel so uplifted. Thank you.

  2. Laura- I wonder sometimes why we complicate our lives with things that don't really matter...or why we fight against something that is, ultimately, inevitable.

    I really have a hard time relaxing and just "being" sometimes...and I know I need to do more of that.

    Great post! Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  3. I needed to read this today. Day 3 of my 31 days... I tend to complicate things! I enjoy simple living... but I simply have a hard time doing it!
    I'm notorious for making lists...and then holding myself to them.


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