Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Day 27: Simply the Best : Songs


Growing up on a ranch in South Texas, with no neighbors in sight and a little brother six years younger, I learned to entertain myself.

What did that look like?

Some of my favorite things to do included leading an imaginary band as drum majorette-
complete with self taught twirling tricks-  or roller skating on our concrete front porch.

There were lots of books read, American Bandstand watched, card games played, synchronized swimming fantasies in the Exxon Oil Camp pool and my favorite -


Lots and lots of driving around the ranch, listening to the radio, and daydreaming.

This soundtrack to my living has always been an added element of fun- to this very day.

Here are three favorites I played over and over again today on my IPod. 

Stay                                                            Sam Smith

Mine Would Be You                                Blake Shelton

Bridge Over Troubled Water                  Aretha Franklin

What are your current listening favorites?



Pom Pom said...

That sounds fun, Laura! I'd love to have had the opportunity to drive around the ranch! One of my friends lived at a small airport nearby and I was so impressed when she took me driving on the runways when we were in sixth grade! I like your fav music!

Pura Vida said...

oh man...you make the memories flood in of being a small town Texas girl...

Get Together--The Youngbloods
I Feel the Earth Move--Carol King
Harvest Moon--Neil Young

I just got done ordering some John Lennon round sunglassess...and NOT for Halloween :-)


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