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Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 24: Simple Fit Throwing


Sometimes, I may occasionally if the situation warrants , throw a little fit.

How is that for vague language?

Let’s try that again.

I can throw a fit with the best of them with one key difference. 

My fits at this point in life are usually far more DRAMATIC or MENTAL than

PHYSICAL, and it usually begins with the thought ‘woe is me’.

Yesterday while painting furniture for a guest bedroom makeover , I decided that it was about time  I went to an actual furniture store and bought furniture.

I was so over painting flea market finds. 

That is what most normal people do, right?  They go to a furniture store?

They don’t get foundered in the guest room like one of my father’s cows, struggling to put on a
happy face while using chalk paint .

Normal people don’t ever do that, right?

And then in the midst of that thought, I actually put my fit in reverse.

Have you ever done that?

I then thought ‘but I don’t want to do that’ .  ‘I don’t like furniture store furniture’…(and on and on and on).

Sometimes, I wear myself out.  (In a simple way of course.)


  1. Sometimes I throw a little fit too:) Enjoy your day dear Laura, whatever you are doing! HUGS!

  2. Oh yes!
    the emotional wringer...
    I set myself up to have an all out fit...with 'CAN DO' attitude, only in the next breath talk myself out of it, with the same verve.

  3. I have been known to throw a fit or two also. LOL It tends to help release a bit of stress.
    I probably should do it more often.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend.


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