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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 2: Dear Daughters, Listen to the Yearning


Blue and White and Mercury Glass

Dear Daughters,

I know you know what busyness and all its side effects feels like. 

You were there front row and center when you were young and our lives were hectic and urgent.

And yes, there was great love and laughter and fun.

Remember when you actually changed from your volleyball uniform into your lamb showing clothes for the livestock show- 

in the back seat of the Suburban- while I was driving down the expressway?

I don’t even know what to say about that.

It was MY idea.


In spite of this sense you may have to do it all, today,  I want to challenge you to listen to the yearning.

It is in you.

It has always been in me.


It is that still small voice that says ‘I just want to go home’.

‘I can’t put one more foot in front of the other’.

’I can’t finish this to do list’.

’I can go to the grocery store tomorrow.”

‘My feet are killing me.’

That yearning you feel is your heritage speaking.

We really are homebodies.

Listen to it.
You’ll know what to do.

Love, Mom


For the month of October, I will be participating in The Nester’s annual 31 Day writing challenge .

Enjoying simple things or laughing about the trials life brings happens to be one of my favorite topics here at White Spray Paint.

Click on the button above to see other posts on Enjoying Simple Things.


  1. I so remember those days of changing in the car!! And yes, now I question "what was I thinking". I look forward to reading your posts this month. I am trying to keep things simple this month and going into the holiday season. After the past few weeks, things really got put into perspective.

  2. So true! I was always itching to get back home, too. We did always sit around the table for dinner together. I'm so glad we all loved being home and still do.

  3. We ALL need to learn to just slow the hell down.

  4. This is a perfect opportunity to hear from you for a whole month! This is a great post for our daughters. Mine are in the beginning of their careers, just as I was when I was their age. You don't plan for that stress, the long days and lack of sleep. And you never thought you would fall short of fabulous so you run, run, run.

    Now, if only my girls read my blog. The last thing they want is for mom to tell them she has been there and done that and she has a better way. I just try to make our time together laid back and fun. A break and a time to just be.

    Jane xx


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