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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sentimental Recycling


Earlier this summer, before the South Texas heat chased me inside,

I assembled a water feature near my raised zinnia and tomato beds.

My plan was to sit outside and gaze at my zinnias and tomatoes,

while enjoying the sound of trickling water.

And so my sentimental recycling began with this:

an old concrete trough our daughters used as young girls to water their 4H lambs.

Concrete Trough

After adding this round dome that I found in my outdoor treasures,

I had my

Sentimentally Recycled  water feature.

Concrete Water Feature

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer filled with family, friends, and great adventures.

It has been very hot where I live, but that is the natural course of things in South Texas.

Have a wonderful week!



  1. More than a water feature - a lovely focus for sweet memories.

  2. You would have paid bigga bigga bucks in a store for a water feature that is not nearly so nice as the one you created!

  3. Great job! The pieces go together well and I bet you are loving the sounds.

  4. I think your water feature looks great..precious memories to use something that holds such sweet memories...and something new..Enjoy your zinnia's and the sweet wound of water...Blessings!

  5. It's a wonderful water feature, and one with meaning. Stay cool in this Texas heart.

  6. I love it Laura! Especially the fact that you still have the trough your children used in their projects. It's such a wonderful feature to have in your garden.
    sending hugs...

  7. Wonderful! I was thinking of you today as it was our towns first day back to school. Know you spent many years in service teaching and now you're helping teach us your fellow bloggers!! Jennifer

  8. Great water feature! Love it!
    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. What a great way to be sentimentally green! Love it! ;)

  10. Great job! It turned out beautifully!

  11. Was so happy to see a new post! And love your inventive, meaningful water feature.

  12. I love your use of something sentimental. Hope you have lots of gazing

  13. I love the sound of trickling water. I could sit by our pond forever just listening to the pretty sound. Like yours, our water is feature is sentimental, a garden ornament from my husband's grandmother, turned pond fountain. It makes it even more special!

  14. Pure inspiration. using what you have.

    August is over. Time to start moving through the glories of autumn. The heat was unbearable this summer. I'm glad to see the end coming even though today is expected 95ยบ here.

    I read your post on downsizing. Discarding treasures are difficult for me, too. I'm moving into repurposing.

  15. It is so nice to take sentimental pieces and create something new...and you created something with a soothing sound that you can sit and relax and enjoy memories. Lovely piece of art!

  16. This interpretation suggests that "sentimental recycling" involves reusing or repurposing items that hold sentimental value. For example, if you have old letters, photographs, or keepsakes that are sentimental to you, Cheap Essay Writing Services Uk instead of throwing them away, you might engage in sentimental recycling by finding new ways to incorporate them into your life, such as creating art or crafts with them, turning them into a collage, or even reusing the materials for different sentimental projects.


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