(a favorite fall tablescape from the past)
This fall tablescape was a pleasure to create because of two things:
the use of a new color (purple)
this is one of my favorite times of the year.

I wanted to use purple, and I wanted to fill the table.
I used everything I could find.
I LOVE doing that.
More really is more.

It may seem like too much, but that is the way I like it.

I used my Royal Stafford bird dishes and my Nyssa garage sale soup tureens.

And even though they are not my favorite (as my grandson says), I am so glad I kept my 12
mercurochrome colored goblets.
I have 12- and for several years I have tried to sell them at a local antique mall.
They just wouldn’t leave (sell), because alone they are pretty startling, but mixed in with everything on the table, they become wonderful.
I love THAT too.

My Reed and Barton Francis 1st still makes my heart flutter – and it has since I chose it many, many years ago.
I only had one place setting for years.
I didn’t tend to it, I didn’t make it a priority, and rightly so I guess.
And then one day I woke up, years had gone by, and I thought,
‘I better get this show on the road.’
And so I turned to Ebay.

I am just so grateful today-
which is not to say that perfection lives in my house,
because it does not.
But the irregular does-
*my purple tablecloth from DD’s Discount- which is a retail phenomenon in and of itself.
That is where things from Ross are sent out to pasture.
Can you imagine?
*my ceramic pumpkins from Walgreen’s- I love multi-task shopping, don’t you?
You can even buy Blue Bell there.
*my copper colored, mercury glass candlesticks (from a garage sale), that I found stuck and forgotten in a cabinet in the little house
*my goblets that wouldn’t leave
a simple life today.
I am linking to these wonderful parties:
No Minimalist Here Open House
Rooted in Thyme Simple and Sweet Fridays