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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Congealed Salads Have a PR Problem




The only thing separating conjealed salads

from renewed culinary stardom,

in my opinion,

is its name:


This is NOT good ladies.

Of the things that conjeal in the world ,

I can’t think of one I want on my plate.


we know conjealed salads are different.

If you , like me, first saw one jiggle in the sunlight

at some special family event,

loaded with mystery fruit,

with your little girl eyes level with the picnic table,

then you know they are family works of art.

They are desserts labeled as salads,

they are every color of the rainbow,

and aside from their hidden treasures,

they are self-firming.

They just need a new name!

That is my mission this week on White Spray Paint

in what is evolving into family food week.

What do you think?

Throw a name in the hat!

Jiggly Salads?


  1. love the jiggly!! You crack me up you know? (In a good way)

  2. Your post reminded me of a relative that EVERY Christmas made a salad that was know as green goop only she didn't know that. It really did deserve the bad press. As far as what to say instead of congealed, maybe it could be called dancing gelatin or maybe not on second thought. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.----------Shannon

  3. One of my all-time favorite salads is made with lime jello, celery, pineapple and cream - I could eat the whole thing!

  4. Pondside....i too remember a lime jello creation..
    with those ingredients plus walnuts and cottage cheese ..
    minus the creme.. it was called "under the sea salad".
    i first tasted it in the hospital after having given birth to my son..
    way back in 1967!!
    my mom also made something called"broken glass"
    this consisted of several flavors of jello chilled and then cut into small bits and pieces..hence the name..
    you know what? I really never did care for Jello!!

  5. I have never been a fan of those salads! Perhaps I might try again if they were called something fun? Have a blessed day dear Laura, HUGS!

  6. Used the babel fish translator to translate "Jellied Salad" to "Salade en Gelée" (French) or, "Insalata Gelatina" (Italian). Congealed salad becomes "Salade Congelée" (French) or, "Insalata Congelata" (Italian)...

    LOL! Perhaps your suggestion of Jiggly Salad is best! :)

  7. I too share your abhorance of the term "congealed". Last Christmas though I had a most delicious jiggly cranberry salad. I was thoroughly impressed.

  8. I like what the Brits call them - jellies. Jellies sounds rather jolly to me.

  9. Remember the old expression, "All that wiggles is not Jello!" lol I sort of like the congealed salads.. now. Not as a child though. I think that is just something children aren't especially fond of unless it is totally clear. So nice to make them since you can do it a day or two ahead.
    Ladybug Creek

  10. I thinnk Chris has the best idea...translate it into something romantic sounding. Catching up on your older posts, we just had a chat in the truck with out three girls the other evening about canned cranberry....they love it! We just slice it thing before serving it so the wrinkles don't show, :). Love the post about you being like your Dad. Mine is also of few words...and he also still calls me sister.

  11. So sorry about the typos...too early in the morning and apparently not enough coffee in me yet, sigh.

  12. I agree the word Congealed has a negative connotation. Jiggly works for me!!

  13. Oh, we must forget congealed right now! I tend to say "Mom's Thanksgiving or Christmas salad!" And, when you add sour cream, out the window goes congealed, in my mind!


  14. never liked the word jiggly...or wiggly...or well that's all I got...hmmm now you got me thinking...


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