Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Kitchen’s Historic Marker


(pecan pie )

Doesn’t this time of year just

connect it all?

Very soon for me ( and for you as well I am sure), it will be about

planning and cooking and preparing.


(flat apple pie)

I have decided, because Thanksgiving is

so meaningful and historical,

and because it honors good cooking

in my family,

especially from women who are no longer here,

I need one of these

in my kitchen.


Instead of ‘Lincoln slept here…’

it would reference


*the yellow Pyrex mixing bowl that belonged to my mother

*my Mamaw’s secret ingredient for cornbread dressing- dried hot dog buns

*wrestling with the turkey at 5:30 am while the rest of the house slept

*Grandmother Mills’s rolls and cinnamon rolls

*Mamaw’s pumpkin roll

*my mother’s coconut cream pie

*someone saying ‘can you put ice in the glasses?’



GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Pecan Pie ~ One of my very favorites! I pulled out the recipe the other day to make one and my friend said she will be bringing one to our girlfriend birthday lunch tomorrow! Yeah!

Rebecca Nelson said...

My favorite PIE-uh (I'm saying that word SOUTH'un STY'ul). Looks totally yummee!

I like the idea of honoring the women and bakers who've gone on before us...PRECIOUS!

Are you writing that book yet?



Sandra said...

Awesome post! Yes, that plaque deserves a place of honor for sure. XOXO

Unknown said...

Love your build up to the big holiday! We celebrated (at my daughter's house) in October. Am going to stay tuned for recipes...please!

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

We have "Pie Day" in my family the day before Thanksgiving every year! We meet at my Aunt Mae's home, her three daughters, 2 daughter-in-laws, a few cousins, nieces, my aunts granddaughters, me, my 3 sisters. This year will be bittersweet for us, my mom passed away 5 weeks ago, and she just loved the holiday's.

I love your idea of a plaque with memory references! My aunt uses my nana's mixing bowl, and a platter that my mom gave her many years ago.

Oh, the other part of "Pie Day" - this is the fun part, we all bring a bottle of wine and a casserole!

Sonny G said...

wonderful post..
it reminded me of the Historical events my own female family members were part of.
They were kind enough to share their knowledge and patience with me.

Bonnie said...

What a pretty pecan pie! I like the flat apple pie concept. Family traditions and connections do matter so much. You made me smile with what you wrote. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. The truth is I am glad I won't have to do anything at Thanksgiving because all my family will be here Christmas!

Pondside said...

That was a sweet post. Indeed, most of us should have an historic plaque on the kitchen wall!

NanaDiana said...

Oh! I want a plaque too, Laura. Mine would be my grandmother coming over with her apron pockets holding those round pink wintergreen mints...and my mother's rolls covered with a clean kitchen towel...and the smell of cranberries simmering on the back burner. Wonderful memories. I wonder what memories I will leave~ xo Diana

Lisa said...

Stop Laura! You're makin' me hungry.

Renée Finberg said...

i am drooling over that pecan pie!!


Connie in Hartwood said...

The Pie Pig Out is a tradition in our family for Thanksgiving. Pecan, pumpkin, apple, chess, lemon meringue ... yum! I'm an Army Brat, we moved all over the world while I was growing up in the 60s and 70s, and I never made that close, personal connection with my grandparents or aunts and uncles. One of my connections to them is the few recipes I have that came from them, and I cherish each of them. This time of year, when cooking and nesting become such an important part of life, it's comforting to pull those recipes out of the box and make a connection with the past.

That sign? Have one made for your kitchen. It will get people talking. :)

Gail Dixon said...

Pecan pie! My favorite. Your memories are very sweet. Hot dog buns for dressing? I never would have thought of something like that!

FraniQ said...

Pecan pie is a favorite! At the risk of appearing ignorant, what in the world is flat apple pie? Sounds good but couldn't locate the recipe.

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

What a great little post. I can say a big AMEN to all that.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Memories made in the kitchen and at the table are the fondest.... :)

Deb said...

memories from the kitchen are so heartwarming...great post Laura...

Honey at 2805 said...

This is so sweet and so touching, Laura! I know you cherish those memories!

Karen said...

Love it, love it, LOVE IT!! Great post, Laura. So fun to see you last night.
(We need to share some recipes!)
Hugs, Karen
Ladybug Creek

Anonymous said...

dry hot dog buns? for real? I can see where that could really be delicious! Holiday memories and holiday food really do go hand in hand. It's all about nourishing. xoxo, Diane


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