Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How Pinteresting


(from my Favorite Designs board)

Source: Southern Accents

Because what I really needed in my life was another reason to be on the computer,

and because I am an easily peer pressured pitiful pearl,

and because

it is technologically easy

and a

whole lot of fun,

I am on


creating boards of my favorites and enjoying every second of it.

(from my Favorite Designs Board)

Source: Mary McDonald

In honor of this new obsession,

I am linking to

How Pinteresting

on Michelle’swonderful blog

The Vintage Apple.


(from my Favorite Tablescapes Board)

Source: Eddie Ross


(from my Favorite Jewelry Board)

Source: Waxing Poetic


(from my Favorite Gardening Board)

Source: Yahoo Search



Check it out!


Designs on 47th Street said...

I'm trying to hold aren't helping! ;)


Maggie Lamarre said...

Pinterest has become a daily addiction for me as well.

Katie said...

So I have a Pinterest account but haven't done anything with it yet! Just what i need more online time. :) I am definitely jumping in!

Savanah said...

Love those pink chairs :)

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Laura, Yep, I am addicted too! I have to pull myself away and get some real life things done. Thanks for sharing these inspirations.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Great pins! I adore these room and that garden!

Heather said...

Laura, thanks for visiting me at Big City Belle. I am so happy to discover your blog! It's lovely! :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am trying to be good and stay away from there - I spend to much time on the computer now.:D

NanaDiana said...

I can't go...I just can't go! I can't do anymore than I am doing now and continue to work AND keep up with everything. Now quit teasing me you naughty girl! BTW- The link to The Vintage Apple doesn't go anywhere...thought you would like to know- xo Diana

Honey at 2805 said...

I have an account but am afraid to get started out of fear. Fearful that I won't know when to stop!

Rebecca Nelson said...

I have NO MORE TIME. I'm already on the computer ALL THE DAY and NIGHT. Bah....

You are tempting us beyond our control. I'm seriously thinking of hiring a maid because my house needs to be cleaned.

xoRebecca :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE that first photo! Hope your week is going well! xo

Theresa said...

Gorgeous pictures! I don't need any MORE reasons to be on the computer either BUT it sure looks Pinteresting:) Have a blessed day dear Laura, HUGS!

trash talk said...

Time is already short here at the Casita de Trash and I'm so afraid if I heed the siren's call, I'll be lost forever!
Besides...can you just picture me and the ol' ADD on Pinterest? Talk about a squirrel attack!
P.S. I adore the Eddie Ross tablescape!!!

Dixie said...

Love your Pinterest... I'm currently on the waiting list... LOL

checking yours out now... Anne Lory's is really nice too!

many blessings.

Michelle said...

That last garden picture is gorgeous!!!!!

Thank you so much for linking up for Oh, How Pinteresting! I hope you do it again next week!!!!

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple

Anonymous said...

Hi Gorgeous! It's so nice to be back and visiting you! My computer had crashed (it lived a good life for us for 8 years) but now we've got a new one and it's so nice and FAST! Wow, you don't realize how much you use it until it's not available. ha ha

Whoa, looks like I better learn more about this Pinterest!!


P.S. Blogger is having issues with me trying to stay signed in but I found out it only happens with people who use a different blog format than Blogger (like Wordpress, etc) so that is why I signed in differently.


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