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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memory Loss Advantage

When you are forced to remove everything you own from cabinets and hutches

which is breakable (everything),

because all of your furniture is being moved out

to work on your floors,

an interesting thing happens…

You don’t remember where everything lives when it is time to return things,

you forget you are returning it to where it did live,

it all now lives somewhere else ,

you realize you have an alternate ego that picked all of that stuff to begin with,

you hope your daughters don’t read this post because they have wanted you to ‘edit’ for years,

to the realization that now that my floors are squeaky clean , and I have a GIANT pile of things

that I am sending home with Alternate…



  1. That happens to me after Christmas. I can't remember where I put things before the decorations. Funny about smothering poor Baby Jesus.

  2. Oh...I have had that happen...and then you wonder well..WHERE did all this stuff really come FROM? If I took it OUT of somewhere there certainly must be space to put it BACK IN there somewhere! lol Have fun! xo Diana

  3. Ha! I think that has happened to all of us. When we had the flood in the den and we had to move everything out, well... it still hasn't all gone back. But that's not bad either. I needed to pare down anyway!

  4. But doesn't it feel good to clean out and start fresh? One of these days I am going to do that. Maybe when I retire in 15 years. :/

  5. I often wonder about my 'alter-ego' and the items I purchase--
    especially this spring when the County came and grated our County Road and left us with a perpetual layer of dust!
    I look around and ask "who purchased all the items, anyway?"

    Glad I'm not the only one!

  6. I had the same thing happen recently. We had some painting done and so I had to remove everything from the room. I didn't put it all back and also decided to change some things around. I need to do the same thing in my kitchen cabinets, but like SCARLETT O'HARA, I think I'll do that "tomorrow"!

  7. This is hilarious - I totally know what you're talking about. Happens to me every single time I clean the silver in my hutch. It never fits back the same way! haha. XOXO

  8. I can sooo relate to this. I cleaned my kitchen drawers last fall and when I put everything back my 8 year old granddaughter said "Nana! You put the forks back in the WRONG PLACE! I'll fix it for you!"

    I didn't even KNOW anything was different. Wahhh....

    YOU ARE HILARIOUS! are! The best blog-writer out there!


  9. thanks for the follow, I am delighted to be following back. What a lovely blog. How did I miss it before??? Beautiful!! We are going to have to get the Texas bloggers together soon. I think that would be fun.

  10. I know how you feel! That happened to me when I moved into this house NINE years ago:)

    Enjoy your squeaking clean floors dear Laura, HUGS!

  11. I know the finished project will be worth the hassle. I am talking to myself too because we must replace our carpet in the master bath and bedroom. I dread the closets!!!


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