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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

PhotoGraphy Wish List



I have given this a great deal of thought.

I think these features would transform my photography .

Here’s my list.


* A Human Tripod-

I don’t need a tripod for my camera, I need a tripod for


Have you ever been down on the floor, under your dining room table,

angling for a natural (sure) shot,

listed slightly to the right,

hit your funny bone,

screamed and laughed in pain,

while still


*A Human Hoist-

See above description.


*A Camera Shrinker-

I want Canon to create a button you can push

to shrink my giant camera

to the size that will fit in my pocket

(with my pocket knife).

*A 10X magnifying glass that will 

clip onto my baseball cap-

I can then


the photo I just took

when I hit the review button.

There you have it.

I better send off for some patents.


  1. This is so funny! I think we all wish this list! Have a wonderful day in spite of the funny bone!

  2. I'm loving your list and all the while chucking big time! I can picture you under your table to get that perfect shot, been there done that!

    By the way, find a way to shrink my camera, it's really necessary.


  3. Laura..
    I'm with you on this list..
    wish "they" would/could also invent something to STOP my joints creaking while in the contortionist
    mode.. those creaks wake my feline subjects.. thus a missed shot (another!)
    laughing smiles..
    warmest hugs..

  4. Yep-Make sure you get a patent. Remember those old days of diapers? When my kids were potty training I wuld buy a bag , take them out and sew up the sides...A few years later someone ELSE got the credit and called them Pull-Ups! lol

  5. I totally agree about the tripod! My handshake is just off the chain and I own a tripod but I am lazy.....

  6. Hehe, I hear you on all of this! I have a tripod for my camera...I just need one for me!

    Kat :)

  7. You and me both...though I have a simple little camera, I do wish it would fit in my wallet.


  8. Cameras are a total mystery for me. And I'm shocked to find out that I am expected to get on the floor to take a picture. lol Just the thought of what it would look like or even entail for me to get down to floor level is enough to make me start moaning and groaning now. BUT, if you say I must, I will! Pass the Aleve, please!
    Ladybug Creek

  9. Oh yes, the perfect list! I have a need for all of those items, as well.


  10. I found a solution for your tri-pod issue - Cirque de Sole (did I spell that right?) or for your area maybe Cirque de Ole. There's also Blue Man Group but they all might be expensive. hehehe

  11. Sounds like an extremely relevant list to me.

  12. Too funny. The frustrating thing for me is looking back to see if my photo is blurred or not.

  13. I need some of each when you find them:) Have a blessed Easter Weekend dear Laura! HUGS!

  14. They all sound like excellent ideas to me. Maybe I will put them on my wish list as well! :-) Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  15. Well put! Even if I could pause my heartbeat like I can hold my breath, I still don't think it would give me an in-focus shot!


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