Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Moral of the Story



I can breathe.

In my 40 bags in 40 days challenge for myself,

which has looked more like

20 gigantic bags to this point,

I cleared out one of my china cabinets.

Yes… I said one of…


From my more active entertaining days,

the bottom shelf of this cabinet held


crystal wine and water goblets.

Who was I having over?

An entire orchestra?

Now I can breathe.


Especially with my new ironstone tureen


Glory B’s in Geronimo.


Does anyone else fixate on handles?


You have seen my other favorite.


Here is the moral of the story


the words

more and less.

Sometimes when I have more,

I see less.


I am linking to:







Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Your cabinet looks great!!
I pretty much adore
your your beautiful ironstone ~


Karen said...

Absolutely beautiful! Love the white against the dark wood. So crisp.
Ladybug Creek

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Love the quote. Your cabinet is lovely and the perfect showcase for your tureens.

Anonymous said...

Your creamy white tureens are beautiful, and I just love an ornate handle.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I do like the all white in the dark wood cabinet.
Enjoy your day.

Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

Your china cabinet looks beautiful. I love all the ironstone against the dark wood. ~~Sherry~~

Victoria said...

I agree with the other commenters, the white looks so lovely against the dark wood of your cabinet!

trash talk said...

Once again you manage to succinctly say in just a little over a 100 words what it takes me almost a thousand to try to say (yes...I counted)...and you do it every time! I bow before the wordsmith.
Anthony said...

LOVE THIS! Come on ova' and link up to my Linky Party! xoxokara

I am CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY about your Blog! Its pure HEAVEN! It makes ME BREATHE easier too! Please come share!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Laura, I am a huge ironstone fan and your new tureen is beautiful! The cabinet looks wonderful filled with just white pieces.

Anonymous said...

How pretty! I love your beautiful ironstone! Your cabinet looks wonderful.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Your cabinet is so pretty. I love the simplicity of the white pieces.

Lana said...

YES! I fixate on handles/feet/details like that!!!

I think I have that exact same soup tureen!!!

Your newly cleaned cabinet is wonderful!

Don't you feel as if an Albatross has been taken from you???

Hugs/blessings from Italy,

Jade Creative said...

Glad you stopped by and became a follower.
Your white collection is simply wonderful.
Have a fabulous day.

Becca Bertotti said...

What a beautiful collection. Your white pieces are gorgeous popping against your dark wood. Love the handles, too! I'm a new follower! *Becca*

Olive said...

Yes, yes I admire handles!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Very good post! I have so many really small treasures! I know I need a friend to walk through and tell me what stays and what should go! You have a beautiful home...and collection! ♥

Bevelry said...

Lovely tureens. I love the name of your blog.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Another beautiful post! Love the white against the dark wood. Beautiful contrast!

Love the 40 bags in 40 days! I love cleaning out and getting rid of excess.

Blessings abundant!

NanaDiana said...

It looks beautiful~and I love the new, you aren't going to start obsessing about and buying white tureens now are you? just asking~ I need to do that 40 bag/40 day challenge myself! Good job! Hugs-Diana

Dixie said...

I know Miss Beverly was happy to see her tureen go to a good home! Beautiful! Congrats on the decluttering! wish you were here!

Marguerite said...

Now that is one beautiful Feng Shui job, and one beautiful new tureen! Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Jeanene @ The Queen Bees Hive said...

Love that tureen! And the handles!! :) Your china hutch looks beautiful!

Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

You know I always admire every post you do, but this one, well, its the best. Love the simplicity! Yes, I fixate on handles, or spouts, or feet, . . .
Great group of tureens, Laura. ~ Sarah


design + development by kelly christine studio