Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings and Letting Them Do it Their Way


Late Tuesday afternoon, I was informed that I needed a medical test done at the hospital.

The test was scheduled for Wednesday morning (yesterday),

the day before Thanksgiving.

Please think about that.

Not about the test (it was clear, thank you God and thank you praying friends), but

think about a counter full of Thanksgiving groceries ,

tables to be set,

desserts to be baked,

and a house to be straightened.

As a result,

I am in the midst of a great Godly lesson right now,

which is the hardest lesson for a someone

with my personality.

The lesson is

‘let it go Laura’.

And so in bits and pieces , I am.

It is 5:57 am right now,Thanksgiving morning, and my husband is in the kitchen

putting the turkey in the oven.

Last night, when he asked about unique seasoning ideas for the turkey,

and my right eye began to twitch at the thought of that,

God stopped the twitching, and I was able to say ,

‘whatever you think sounds good …’

Yesterday, after napping all day (can you imagine doing that the day before Thanksgiving?),

I woke up to the sounds

of music playing and daughters laughing in the kitchen.

I discovered a frenzy of cooking had taken place.

Lauren had baked a pecan pie, 2 flat apple pies, and a chocolate cream pie.

Katherine had made creamy mashed potatoes, prepped the ingredients for the

dressing, taken her nephews to get a hamburger, and

baked a beautiful pumpkin cake in a bundt pan.

I will confess,

I tried to text them from the bedroom, with

great words of advice,

but they shut that down quickly.

So my message is twofold this glorious Thanksgiving Day.

1.  Blessings to you dear Friends


2.  Let them (whoever them is) do it their way.



Unknown said...

What a beautiful lesson. I suspect this may be your best Thanksgiving ever.
p.s. I hope what ever the test was comes out well.

NanaDiana said...

Laura- God bless you- I know how hard that must have been...I have a hard time "giving over" so many times. I hope your health is okay and that the test was just that-a test! Hugs to you- Diana

Anonymous said...

Laura, God love ya, I know that is a hard lesson to learn, one I struggle with all the time. Good for you! And so glad the test came back with good results! Happy Turkey Day, Sue

trash talk said...

I'm willing to bet you a Cat Daddy against a pecan pie that each mouthful of food will be the most delicious thing you ever ate.
L.B., my heart is most grateful that you are doing ok and that your daughters are there to show you what they learned at your gown tail.
P.S. Did they have to hog tie you to the bed?

Tricia said...

Oh, my! So sorry that your plans took such a turn, but glad the test results were good! I understand how hard it is to let others do it their way -- but it sounds like you're in good hands! Blessings!

Sue said...

As a control freak, it would be very hard for me not to be in the kitchen, doing it MY way! LOL Glad everything turned out well for you re: the testing. :-) Enjoy the day, relax, and let them clean up, too! ~ Sue

Anonymous said...

My husband cooks our Thanksgiving Day meal and I never offer my two cents. It always tastes wonderful and whatever he does in the kitchen today will be perfectly fine with this Gal.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lisa ~Suburban Retreat~ said...

You obviously have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! Enjoy your day with family & friends! xox

Theresa said...

Oh my sweet friend! I hope and pray you are OK! Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Sounds like you have plenty of LOVE going on down there! HUGS!

Betsy B said...

We should all learn that lesson. We all need to be flexible and know that no matter what all it comes down to is being together. Because my girls have a husband and a husband to be this year I am not cooking a Thanksgiving dinner...we are having a thanksgiving breakfast so they can spend the day with their significant others families.

Olive said...

Blessings to you sweet one. That is a wonderful lesson and you will have a wonderful meal. ♥O

Erin said...

Glad that all is well, Happy Thanksgiving to you all:)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Glad the test results were good.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

God Bless you Laura and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jojo said...

What a wonderful message to share. Hope you are running full speed in no time!

Anonymous said...

Oh Laura! This is beautiful because I, too, am such a control freak. Letting go is not in my nature either. Just today - I let it go when Hubby stuffed the INSIDE (think bacteria and sickness) of the bird with his favorite oyster stuffing. I let it go when Hubby covered - yes covered every inch - of the turkey with so many spices I think we are going to choke when we eat it(he's in Heaven today because he's in charge of the turkey) and I let it go because he loves the purple Christmas ornaments that I hate, so I hung them on the tree. I let it all go because I love him more than I love to be right.

All that being said, are you doing ok? Sleeping the day before Thanksgiving? Hmmm...I'll be praying for whatever is taking your energy. Love, Marla

Sandra said...

Laura -
Thank you for the sweet comment. Hope the test turns out A-OK. And how wonderful to hear those sounds of your family getting things done. Hugs dear. Xoxo

CHERI said...

So thankful your test turned out OK. I truly identify with "letting go"! I've gotten a little better in my "old age" but not much:) Bet this was a wonderful T'giving for both you and your family & bet your daughters were thrilled to take over and show you all that you had taught them! Take care.

Pondside said...

I was glad to read that your test was clear. Thanksgiving takes on added meaning in the light of health issues.
Good for you for letting go and allowing the family to have the fun of treating you. You are, of course, a very good teacher!

candy said...

lovely blog!
happy thanksgiving!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

It seems that you experienced a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing. What a great family. So glad that your test was passed with flying colors. May the blessings continue in God's bounty and grace.

June said...

Dear Laura, I think this post was meant for me. I have a hard time letting go of the 'mom' things and handing that over to my very capable girls, who are all wonderful cooks.
I bet your Thanksgiving turned out wonderfully. Are you okay? I sure hope all is well, my dear friend.
sending big hugs tonight...

I Do Declare said...

I have such a hard time releasing control over holiday (and all...) plans. I am not proud of a fit I pitched when I couldn't find the table cloth I wanted to use for Thanksgiving breakfast...but once I came to senses and could just be grateful for all my other blessings, tablecloth-gate seemed pretty silly! I am sure the rest you were forced to take gave you time to count your blessings, too! I do hope you're feeling and doing well!

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