Thursday, July 8, 2010

Didn’t I Loan That to You?

               Y is for You
       On a recent visit home, our youngest daughter brought home several bags and boxes of things she didn’t want any longer, and in fact she even gave me permission to sell them at a garage sale or in our booth.
        Couple that with a little healthy memory loss, and I may have just been scammed.
Me: (Looking through the sacks in the garage): 
“I remember that yellow Fiesta. Didn’t I LOAN you those dishes?”
“There’s that table I bought at a garage sale in Dallas that I couldn’t get home on the plane. Didn’t I LOAN that to you that summer?
How long ago was that?  In fact, what about that red side table? Didn’t I loan that to you as well?”
“Oh my gosh. There are those white candlesticks that I used at Heather’s wedding. I wondered where those were. When did I LOAN you those?”
You get the picture.
I am linking this morning to Alphabet Thursday. Click the button to see more Y entries.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the trials and tribulations of mothers and daughters. Gotta love it. LOL


Stacey said...

Oh that's hilarious!

The Apple Pie Gal said...

Ha! Hey, 'loaning' is good. We should all just loan each other stuff from time to time!

Theresa said...

Oh Girl, I was wondering when you loaned me something:) Enjoy your newly found items:)

Have a blessed day! HUGs!

Unknown said...

Thank goodness my mother loaned me things.....and I in turn will do the same....(hope I get them back!)....smiles.

trash talk said...

Too cute! My daughter calls it "shopping at mom's" I ever see any money!

Pondside said...

It's fun to visit our son and DIL and see the bits of our family-furniture history in their house. When our Lillypad sets up housekeeping I can move a few more pieces out!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I see things at my daughters house all the time that she "borrowed". I think it comes with the territory of daughters. lol Hugs, Marty

Debra@CommonGround said...

Yep, thats what you get with girls. And I'm like Deb, mine come "shop the garage", like it's stuff I'm waiting to "throw out". te he.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So funny! My girls don't so much of that but I do! I have all sorts of things from my Mom's. Of course now she says keep them, I don't want any more stuff to deal with. Works for me!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

I have the other problem -too much stuff in my house and a severe shopping addiction. Everyone time one of the darling daughters visit I'm trying to get them to take something!!

Sandra said...

How funny! See how great your memory really is though. :-) xoxo

Debbie said...

I have three multiply this times three!
Thank you for stopping by.

Blondie's Journal said...

Now that is called shopping the house. My daughters haven't left home yet and I find things in their rooms!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

My daughter also calls it "shopping at Mom's". :-D Most things I give away, but have not seen my sewing machine in a long time that she "borrowed". :D

Tamra said...


Good thing she didn't just sell it all and tell you about it later!

Terrific post.

Marguerite said...

Oh, I understand, "shopping at Mom's"! My daughter does the same thing, except she never brings things back. So you're lucky! Hope you're not getting too much rain.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

LOL! At least she did bring them back, in a round about way!

Love it!

Lou Cinda :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad they brought them back and didn't try to sale them.

Olive said...

She "punked" you! I went to a yard sale next to my Dad's home, shortly after I married many years ago, and was about to buy some things when I realized they were mine! My Dad had given them away.I was furious with him.


Chatty Crone said...


Life@Cee said...

Thanks for reminding me that I have a few things I need to return :-)

June said...

Oh I definitely get the picture Laura! I have four daughters as you know, and it always amazes me how MY things, become THEIR things!!!
You had me laughing with this one friend!
Your White Wednesday post is gorgeous. I loved all your lovely photos.

Cheryl D. said...


Kat said...

This made me laugh out loud! Every time Cait would come home from school I "rediscovered" things that I thought I had lost. I'm going to put a padlock on the rest of our things when she moves into her own apartment this fall. Kat

Deb said...

I think that is a family thing...and some how they always come back...when the kids don't know what else to do with them..

Lisa said...

That is too funny! Did you feel like you got some new stuff since you hadn't seen it in like...forever? LOL!

Kelly Frances Dunn said...

"Healthy memory loss" really got me rolling! Scams happen when you least expect them :) Thanks for sharing!

clustres said...

Too funny and so correct!

Maggie said...

I can just picture the scene, too funny!

Terra said...

Very funnY

Susan Anderson said...


And so true!


Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

For me it's the other way around. I have an antique broach that my mom borrowed three years's still on her same jean jacket. Have a great day. Debbie

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

way too cool!

H said...

Hmmm! I have boys. With boys, it's only partly about what they loan. It's more about the rubbish they dump on you! Think I need a bigger house.

Christy said...

Tee Hee, all least she returned them and didn't have the garage sale herself! Fun Y post!

signed...bkm said...

Great letter Y post....yes, and a good reminder to remember Who - and if it was You that we lent something to...bkm

Betty said...

Trouble with blogger...I don't think my comment went through. I got a strange message instead. I'll try again.

Very funny post. I've loaned things to my kids to be never seen again. :)

Jenny said...

What a totally cute stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y"!

Oh, how often I have had to say that to kids! Oddly I rarely get asked that question in return.


Thanks for the smile!

This was cute! Yippee!


Unknown said...

are you my mother? :) too funnY!


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