(Preface: Our middle daughter Lauren is the expert on this type of style; I am not. She has collected unbelievable things.)
Dare I do a post on Hollywood regency style and a tablescape?
It all started with finding this in a closet this morning (while digging) . This remnant is from a stack of fabric I bought last summer in Dallas.
It has the perfect sheen, is a wonderful color combination of dull gold and aquamarine, and as I looked at it , I started feeling inspired.
So often I read about using an inspiration piece. That is not how I operate.
I am of the ‘one thing leads to another’ school of thought, which causes me to become inspired, which somehow feels different to me.
And so I began building a tablescape for one, just so I could play.
I remembered the Franciscan Gold Renaissance that I have been collecting for our youngest daughter Katherine (of the ‘giving me back things I had given her’ fame).
She saw it on the cover of Southern Lady several years ago, and she said she had to have it.
And so I began collecting it for her.
This tablescape , which reminds me of old movies, includes the following:
mirrored placemat/white pottery charger
Franciscan Gold Renaissance dinner plate and an aqua dinner plate that I love (but I only have one)
I also played with a 4 calling birds dessert plate from a set Katherine gave me at Christmas
an initialed linen napkin, my regency styled silverplate, a crystal goblet, and a brushed gold coaster
And then the table extras began. I am a great fan of high and low and, above all, doing the opposite of what is expected.
For example, I tried my gold baroque, regency styled buffet lamp thinking it would look so cool to have buffet lamps on the table instead of candlesticks (And I mean a lit buffet lamp-low watt).
I haven’t figured out the plugs yet.
Then I added a few rose bowls, empty, because I love them that way.
Next was a crystal chest I have ,where I could use some more opposite thinking.
A brass monogram and a small crystal votive and white candle seemed right.
Next was my white, glossy ceramic horse, of a pair I found at Ross.
Clarification: they were not a pair because they are both headed the same direction, but I bought 2 anyway .
I switched out the mirrored charger to a white one and moved in a wicker chair.

Final note: Now that I have publicly admitted that I collected these dishes for one daughter, I will be in deep trouble.
I have two other daughters who also love dishes.
Please check on me if I don’t surface soon.
Doesn’t that sound like the movies too?
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