My continuing fantasy of having another place to live and visit is not about dissatisfaction or grass is greener thinking .
It feels more like something I am supposed to do. I sometimes feel like I am supposed to have a place that I can visit, somewhere a little off the beaten path, where I can work hard physically to take care of it.
My gardening, which gives me deep, bottom of my soul satisfaction and frustration (a powerful mix), feels like my preview, my trial run.
I have two names selected for this ‘place’ in my mind and heart.
Place is one of those words that my father uses in that same way he says ‘make a round’.
Saying he is going to his Place makes perfect sense to me.
Here are my names.
Anacahuita – An anacahuita is a Mexican olive tree. We have 3 grande dames in our yard that have to be at least 60 years old. Thank you God for letting them live with me. They are great daily examples.
I admire them for their beauty, their resiliency, and their courage.
Full Sun in gardening language can not even touch the heat these trees withstand, year after year after year.
This understatement gives this tree character. Each year it says to the world’s climate at large, ‘ show me what you’ve got.’
Aside from its beauty and prolific blooming of delicate , white flowers, there is its gnarled bark.
My trees and I are kindred spirits on this journey of aging and gnarling.
Name #2 is Brecha.
Very loosely translated, South Texas slang and all, a brecha is an opening, a dirt road, a place at the end of the road.
My father has described where a friend in Mexico lives as being at the end of a brecha.
I love that. Say it aloud. Brecha.
It is solid, sturdy, practical, humble, and unassuming.
My dream-my two names.
Oh wouldn't a second place be a wonderful dream. I want something near the water. Love both of your names. Hugs, Marty
Gorgeous details. Very pretty :)
Hi sweet Laura - I love the name Brecha - I'm in the process of making a secret spot on the back of my property. A quilt tent will be pitched. Pillows and lemonade and books and scones. It's as far away as I can get, and as far away as I want to be. I hope your dreams come true! (I still have your email rotting in my inbox - a pox upon me - I'm so sorry. I'm hoping to empty the inbox tonight)
What a wonderful dream! We are all about dreaming! Love the two names!
Everyone needs a "spot"...mine used to be in the old apple tree..I'm too big for it now but I do love to go out and sit on the hay stack..or nap on the hay stack! Come say hi :D
Can you please type out the pronounciation for me. I love the way it looks typed, but I know I am probably butchering it when I try to say it I roll my r and is it a long e or housetop one? Brecha sounds so lovely, but not necessarily with my Texas twang.
P.S. Are those trees cold hardy?
Nothing wrong with dreaming. Dreams are what keep us alive. I love both of those names. The tree is so awesome. Flowers just beautiful! I just love names that have meanings behind them.
Your amazing with words- i must say-.. Love the blog- cant wait to follow you more and get more inspired..
everyone should have dreams. It keep us young. Love the second name best, I think. I like the description of it. Sounds like a relaxing place although you said you wanted to work hard there so..hmm..maybe not a good name.
To answer your question on my post tonight. We had reservations at Gulf Shores, AL. Have you cancelled your reservations?
So descriptive and imaginitive, Laura. Love the "sound" of your dream "place"! And the last post where Lucy and Ricky play house fix-up sounds normal around here, I call it the "domino effect". Your posts are wonderful and I love hearing you think out loud.
Something swept over me while reading today's entry. I, too, feel that way and I love how you put it into words. Thank you for sharing 2 very special places with us. You have a gift with words.
This was just beautiful! :)
I can't wait to see where this dream leads you... love the names... love the symbolism in each.
I love the gnarled bark
your journey is enticing- best wishes
Hi Laura, I love how you tell us about your dream and the two names you have chosen. So sweet and I was actually sitting here saying, Brecha out loud. Glad my hubby is sleeping, he'd wonder what was wrong with me. Thank you for visiting and leaving your kind comment on my "My "TWEET" Tablescape Thursday", it was so much fun designing this table. I'm really into birds this year and I love the yellow and blue in this tablescape. I'm a new follower of your beautiful blog.
Laura...oh what a beautiful blog you have =) And, I too will be a follower, as being a Texan is such a wonderful privilege.
We really do walk the same walk & talk the same talk, don't we???
p.s. I did say brecha out loud =) Loved it....
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