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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Star Wars Legos, Thomas the Train, and Little Cars

        I am currently house bound with my two young grandsons, drizzling, cold weather outside, and a million legos and tiny cars.  You do not want to walk barefoot in my house right now!

        I am in heaven- although I may need a day of beauty after this. 

        I made a comment in passing that my hair looked like quite a mess, and my oldest grandson said:

“No Ma Do- it looks like it always does.”

Out of the mouths of babes.

        I will re-surface soon.  


  1. I got a taste of this "memory lane" when I went to see my Granddaughters Christmas. A toy is never more than a reach away. Boredom from a single toy is but a fleeting moment because there's always another choice.
    You will also notice how getting up off the floor isn't as easy as it used to be!

  2. My Granddaughters were at my house last night for a visit! I asked the 5 year old if she wanted to play or eat, knowing that her Mother had dinner cooked at home. She said, I wanna eat... I'm starving:) Love those babies! Have a blessed day, wear your shoes and brush your hair for heavens sake:)

  3. Have fun with the grands -- you can always "paint the barn" later (I loved that story!) Thanks for your visit to my New Year's table today -- looking forward to 2010!

  4. Laura, that was PRICELESS....such innocence.

  5. Laura..
    Love it..
    I think the funniest thing ever uttered..and so priceless was from my son when he was about three..
    "Mommy..Mommy! Do you know why you are the best Mommy in the whole wide world?
    No KiKi..why?
    'Cause you never ever run out of kisses and bandaids!
    yep..outta the mouths of babes..
    enjoy these precious moments..
    they vanish too rapidly..

  6. How sweet.
    Good luck with the legos... they hurt when stepped on! :)


  7. I'm doing the same. I just heard a little voice outside my bedroom door say "Gammie? Gammie? It's me the baby!" :-)

  8. Kids say the funniest things! Enjoy your time w/them :)

  9. I learned long ago to do the scuffle walk when kids have been around.
    Those legos are in bright colors, so I don't know how I don't see them, but....ouch.

  10. Adorable! I remember once that I was beating my self up about needing to lose some weight and my younger son, who was about 11 or 12 at the time, lovingly said to me, "Mom! You look way better than most people who shop at WalMart". Hahahaha.

  11. It is cold way down where you live? I think we notherner's don't have a chance till spring. How did we ever do it with our kids? Adorable grandkids make us complete.

  12. LOL....he knows your always beautiful...

  13. I can relate,, my three grand daughters really ware me out..... they are all over the place.. but it is so fun,,, but then so nice when they leave too... lol;


  14. I can just see it all now. I just have grandkitties. They can be a handful though! haha!
    OK, maybe someday. Would you please talk to my sons-in-law????
    miss you

  15. I hope you are writing down these special little words from the grands. Children say the cutest things!
    Enjoy your time with them. They grow up all too soon....Sarah

  16. Hi Laura,

    What a sweet, charming, funny, and entertaining post! You really are a wonderful writer (and, I'm sure, an even better grandmother!).

    Thank you for the comment you left for me and for your kind words! I'm a novice photographer as well ... so I'm honored by your question. I use three different cameras, all by Olympus ... none of them were expensive. The one I used for this post was the Olympus C-5050. It was introduced in 2002, so it's a bit of a dinosaur compared to newer models.

    I've learned to turn off the flash, watch for the lighting through the windows to look interesting, use a tripod, and take LOTS of pictures. Then I spend some time straightening, cropping, etc. to improve the compositions. I hope that's helpful (it's pretty much the extent of what I know about photography!)

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    Warm regards,

  17. glad you're enjoying your grandkids! Kids say the funniest things, don't they?

  18. Boredom from a single toy is but a fleeting moment because there's always another choice.

    Work from home India

  19. Hi Laura! How cute! Yes, I have had a house full of legos myself! I am trying to enjoy every second of it because I remember how fast it flies! Enjoy your sweet babies! And thanks so much for your kind message! A very Happy New Year to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie

  20. first time at your blog..what a sweet blog!
    sandy toe


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