Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Comfort Zones-Gardening and Otherwise

trip (27)

        While in Dallas, I asked Daughter #3 to stop at a nursery so I could buy bulbs.  It all feels a little presumptuous- hyacinths, after all.

        I am obsessed with bulbs. This leap-frogging of obsessions/interests at this point in my life is so liberating. So what if hyacinths sound like something grown for the Queen Mother- I am doing it, even as they are pleading, “Please don’t plant me in Zone 9! Don’t you want to buy the cactus?”

        Other interests-

*All things fragrance- these smell amazing- they smell like November, Christmas, family , baking, all rolled into one- plus the name Orleans sealed it.

trip (32)   trip (31)

* Ribbon- I found these at a Christmas store my daughter discovered in Plano. Why these checks?  I want to use the red and black on my front door .The black and white raw silk ribbon just called to me- not as in gingham- but as in MacKenzie-Childs.

trip (29)

        trip (30)

* And birds, anything Louisiana, mercury glass ornaments, the feel of library books, aprons…



Carole and Chewy said...

Aw- "anything Louisiana"? That's my childhood home and where my heart will always be. I always figured I'd retire and be the crazy cat lady living in the Quarter....

Rebecca Nelson said...

Dear Laura... Just wanted you to know I received my WIN today! OMGOSH! I love everything sweet friend. Gosh...how you have blessed me! I'm soooo happy!

Now...you must go and read my bloggie to find out WHY I just got this box! It could have been LOST for a long long time if I hadn't decided to take my Mollie out for a walk on this gorgeous day!

Blessings to you sweets! I continue to LOVE your Blog!

xoRebecca PS: Thank you again! The Christmas pretties are going to look fabulous in my home in just a few weeks! xo

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I bet that candle smells wonderful. So many pretty things - you had a successful shopping trip. :)

Karen said...

I can't wait to see your home decorated for Christmas. You always do such a fabulous job! I may have to barge in on you. AND you on me!
Ladybug Creek

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Fun treasures all! I wish I could smell that delightful candle! I bet it's heavenly.

trash talk said...

Isn't freeing when we can be all over the place and no one dares question us as to why?
Love the ribbon. Where in Plano did you find it...I've looked everywhere for b&w ribbon?

Marguerite said...

Anything Louisiana has got to be good! Nice stuff! Can't wait to see what you do with that ribbon.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hey Laura, glad to hear from you and glad you're back. I loved the "faux twitter" post. It took a minute, duh. "All over the place" is a good place to be; interested and involved and loving life. That's a GOOD thing. Thanks for the comment, love your input!

donna baker said...

I have 300 daffodil bulbs to plant. No tulips this year (or next) as I have given up fighting the deer for them. I love big checked fabric - Pottery Barn has these large buffalo checked bedspreads and I'm going to have to get one before they are gone.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh, how I love your finds. It is just my taste! I am so excited to see what you do with your Christmas tree.

I love to enjoy Christmas as long as I can, especially for the amount of work that I put into making the house look beautiful. So, yes, let’s get the show on the road! *smile*

Love your blog!

Hugs and happy decorating!


Maree said...

Love the ribbon...think you gave me a great idea. We need a little Christmas this year...;-)

decorator to the stars said...


Kammy said...

Love that plaid ribbon !
So you are a bulb girl...I always forget to plant them - but, I love to see them in the spring !

Barbara said...

Laura, Next time head east a little and come to the BAR H. Isn't it strange we all drive around each other....we need to have some kind of get-to-gether, perhaps in the spring at our lake house, we are kinda centrally located for many Texas Bloggers.

Darla said...

Gorgeous finds here! I have hyacinths here in zone 8b-9, North Florida and they do fine, morning sun only though.

Melissa Miller said...

~Gorgeous Laura!

Your design on your blog blog looks so pretty too. I'm grabbing your adorable button to display on my sidebar.

Many blessings to you this weekend.
~Melissa :)

Pamela said...

Yummy candle! I love...no LOVE candles and my fave are cinnamon stick and Pumpkin spice both from Bath & Body Works. Thanx for stopping by and becoming a follower. Off to look at that hutch!;)


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