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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Grocery Shopping and Sunday Favorites

Sunday Favorites  

   Thank you Chari at Happy to Design for another chance at sharing our Sunday Favorites.


     While growing up, my mother used simple, regular grocery store ingredients (along with a butchered, packaged side of beef) to create delicious meals, three times a day.

     We traveled to the nearest grocery store,  45 miles north of the ranch, loaded up several baskets, signed the ticket, because groceries were provided for the ranch manager’s family, and headed home- breaking into a sack of cookies along the way. We called this buying ‘big’ groceries.

Note: The long term side effects of signing tickets and eating cookies randomly is a topic for another day.

     My mother had a gold Toronado (remember those?), and she drove fast. Can you picture this? She had to. We certainly didn’t want the ice cream to melt.


     One of these was waiting in the garage when we arrived home.

grocery cart

     She somehow persuaded the manager at HEB in Falfurrias, Texas to lend her one for the duration. Unloading was easy and efficient, especially since the sidewalk from the driveway to the back door was about 50 yards.

     Once inside, we put things away- not in a pantry but in a shallow, three can deep cabinet, that she had built next to the refrigerator. She taught me that a shallow cabinet for canned goods was better.

     Canned goods were not the no-no that some cooks profess today.

(Confession: I love Del Monte whole green beans with a hamburger patty, grilled onions, and a glass of tea. When I am working on not eating sugar and flour ,that seems to off-set the desire for cookie eating spells.)

whole green beans

     When you live on a ranch 45 miles from town, stocking up is important. Hence, I love to stock up. Most collectors do, don’t they?


  1. Oh wow! I can't imagine having to drive 45 miles to the nearest grocery store. I live close enough to Bi-Lo that I could walk to it IF I wanted to. Maybe I should ask the manager if they would loan me a buggy to push my groceries home! That's so cool you guys had one at home. :)

  2. Ah the joys of living out on the range with no one near you but the cattle... My son just moved from an area outside a national park, miles from civilization, the grocery store, and all the little things we "city folk" take for granted. Trips have to be planned. Lists need to be made. Gasoline has to be kept in the tank! He is much happier now that he is back in the city. He did his share of stockpiling. I have to remind him that he no longer has to do that. LOL

  3. I have never lived anywhere but in the big city...poor me:(!!! I would love to live out in the wide open space...except for the shopping part...I am way to disorganized to shop that way...I go to the grocery store just about every day...I can't seem to get it all in one trip;(!!!

    I love your always!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  4. Laura, I really enjoyed this post. Memories from the past always get to me. I have memories of grocery shopping with my own mother, but we lived in the city. Saturdays my sister and I would be dropped off at the laundry mat to do the Saturday wash, while my mother would see a client or two. We looked forward to it because she alway gave us money to get a donut at the corner bakery, while the wash was in the dryer.
    Thanks for sharing your memories!

  5. Love hearing people's childhood memories. In our town, (small town Missouri) as I guess most small towns had in the 20's,30's, and 40's most city blocks had a small home owned grocery at the end of the block.(on the corner) Everyone walked to the store, usually on a daily basis. So by the 50's when I was a little kid most of these family stores had closed, but a few remained. My family shopped at one of these "larger" little neighborhood groceries and we would charge our bill, to be paid at the end of the month on the honor system. This really brings back the memories! It's really sad to now see these inner city vacant buildings in such disrepair.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I remember the Toronado! I just can't remember the color. We, too, lived miles from town. We had a milk man that delivered the best milk around until the dog almost bit him...Those were the days!

  7. Great family stories, just got caught up on the last three. What a hoot! Sounds like you will be ready for a great get together. Have fun and be sure to share the cupcake picture. Cheers!

  8. There is something special about the Del Monte labeling that makes it look spectacular just sitting on a pantry shelf. I like your mama's idea of narrow shelves...gonna redo mine to her specs!
    There was a little grocery store practically in our backyard that was owned by my great aunt and uncle. We would go there for Mother and just tell them to put it on the "ticket"! Can't do that anymore. We also had a milk man who left all the dairy products on the back porch. I think that's one thing I miss most. Sour cream doesn't taste the same as what we got back then!

  9. Hi Laura...

    So sorry that I'm so late in getting by for a visit...we had a very busy holiday weekend! So happy to have you for Sunday Favorites this week...enjoyed your post, my friend! Hehe! I was just remembering those hot Texas ya'll had to drive really fast to get home before the ice cream melted! Hehe! I certainly can identify with you about doing the "big grocery shopping". We live about 30 mins. from town and so I try to really stock up when I'm there...just to save making so many trips! During the summer months we carry an ice chest with us to pack our cold items in! Ice cream does pretty good making it home! Hehe!

    Enjoyed your post, my friend! Thanks for joining in with Sunday Favorites!

    Warmest wishes,


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