Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mosaic Monday/Blue Monday Secrets

Mosaic Monday

     It is no secret that I love blue and white, and I love it best in dishes of all shapes and sizes. 

     From Spode’s Blue Italian, that I started collecting after my daughter selected it for her wedding registry, to a beautiful etched bowl that was a gift from a dear friend, to the great low end pieces I have found at Marshall’s and Ross, it just does it for me.

     I believe that blue and white, like the right color of yellow walls , makes everything look good, food and furniture alike.

     It is also no secret that I enjoy all of the planning associated with entertaining more than the actual event itself.  Strange but true.  Blue and white has always been part of all of that planning fun. I used blue and white exclusively at at engagement party my daughters and I hosted.

     Join in the fun at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday and Smiling Sally for Blue Monday.




         I’d also like to give a shout out to Valarie at A Glimpse of My World.  I won her giveaway, and it is wonderful.  The vintage apron is so soft it reminds me of my grandmother ; it feels like her.


Glimpse of My World said...

Thanks for the shout out Laura.. enjoy the sweet little apron! Have a great week! Valarie

podso said...

Love the blue!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

You have some beautiful blue pieces! Congrats on winning the giveaway!


Wildflowerhouse said...

Beautiful photo's. Sharon

Carol said...

I LOVE blue & white! Your pieces are lovely!

Anonymous said...

One of my grandmothers did everything thing in blues. I am sure that is where my love for it was planted. This is a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I have always liked blue and white together. You have many pretty pieces. Congrats. on winning.

Amy said...

I too like the prep work more than the actual entertaining also! The blue and white pics are lovely.

Lori E said...

I have no blue in my house but my walls are the perfect shade of yellow. I know what you mean about the planning. Lots of fun but over to quickly.

Ebie said...

These are beautiful pieces, and I love the blue and white collection! Beautiful mosaic!

Caroline said...

Lovely mosaic. I love the vintage plate and the vases are beautiful.

~JarieLyn~ said...

Your blue and white pieces are beautiful. These photos make a gorgeous mosaic. I really like the plate in the upper left hand corner. It's so pretty.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful mosaic. I love all the blue and white china but my favorite is the glass bowl. So beautiful

Karen said...

Beautiful, Laura! This is how I see blue and white and a little yellow. Blue is so soothing and sometimes liquid. White comes along and states that it is time to be crisp, sharp and no nonesense. Then yellow peaks end and adds some energy and a smile. I think it is actually flirting with blue and white. Isn't that fun??

Linda K. said...

Blue and white are on my list of favs also. The yellow makes all of it pop. Thanks,

Cindy said...

Such beautiful blues.

Barbara said...

Laura, Great collection of Blue and White dishes.
They are lovely.

Congrats on the giveaway. It is wonderful.
Happy Monday.

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Great giveaway! Congratulations on the win! Your blue and white is pretty, pretty!~Patti

SmilingSally said...

I love blue and white, and you've shared enough for four Blue Mondays! Lucky you, to have more. Thanks for sharing your blue. Happy Blue Monday.

Congratulations on your giveaway winnings.

Knitty said...

I couldn't agree more about blue and white dishes and yellow walls!
Congratulations on winning the givewaway.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh, I just love blue and white China. I lived in Hong Kong for five years and loved walking up the blocks where all the shops sold it. Can you imagine streets lined with blue and white china? A dream, I still miss, although I have my share of vases and teapots from our home there. Your mosaic is so lovely, and so is your giveaway.

ClassyChassy said...

BLUE-TEE-FUL! Have a great day!

Kim said...

Hi Laura! I'm with ya on the blue and white transferware thing. I'm always amazed at the beautiful pieces I find at Marshall's and Ross. Thanks for sharing!

Gee said...

Hi laura

Your blues are just too beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Domestic Designer said...

Just can't beat the beautiful blue and white! Congratulations on your gift. Looks just perfect for you.

Becky K. said...

Beautiful Mosaic.
I love the contrast of the blue with the bread. But then I LOVE bread!

Becky K.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a wonderful collection of blues. Your collage is perfect for Blue Monday. I hope you are having a great day.

Sarah said...

Laura, I too love blue and white! Thanks for sharing this lovely post. And thanks for the visit this morning to my Blue Rooster Monday Parade. Hope to see you again. ~ Hyacinth

Brenda Pruitt said...

You can't go wrong with blue and white. And yellow for walls. You just can't. I love your photos. Blue and white just makes me happy. I smiled the whole time I read this.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh, and I took your blog button with me as well.

Jenn@ You know... that Blog? said...

Bread in a flower pot - I love that idea! So novel! Very pretty mosaic - love the blues.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Your blue pieces are beautiful. I have a lot of blues and my walls are yellow. We are still in the process of doing the house and I have so much blue packed away. I can hardly wait to bring them out to look pretty with my yellow walls.
I enjooyed looking at your blues. Thanks for visiting mine.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Laura,
Your blues are gorgeous! Love the blue and whites! Thanks for sharing your treasures today and have a Happy Blue Monday.


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I am back again. I forgot to answer your questions about the dishcloths. I just recently started crocheting again and have only made 4 or 5 dishcloths. I haven't used them yet but I hear they wear really good. The one on my post today was just rows of single crochets. I usually try to put a pretty edging on them if I have enough yarn left.


Freda Marie said...

Beautiful, beautiful, one of my favorites and I have some of the pieces in your mosaic. I always thought the most beautiful kitchen would be one of blue and white with touches of yellow. Great job.

Jennsmere said... took my breath away today when your page filled my screen!!! LOVE the new look of your blog....and the blue and white...well, I could look at it all day long!!!

I so understand about entertaining..I love the planning too, and arranging the table, cooking something special...then when everyone is mingling and having a good time, I often retreat to the kitchen to listen to the 'fun'.

Bless you,

ellen b. said...

Hello Laura! Love your mosaic and all those beautiful blues. I've always been drawn to blue and white dishes. So pretty!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Hi Laura -- I love your blog and your blues -- My sister-in-law doesn't blog but you're one of her favorites as well. I know what you mean about the planning - that's my favorite part as well.

Jeanne said...

Thank you for sharing the lovely blue and white items you have collected. Just beautiful!!!


claudie said...

Well my hat is off to you for being a "planner". I used to entertain all the time. Now @ 53 with 3 grown kids, it's all back down to basics, and I like it that way.
Love your mosaic blues.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie
P.S. I'm wondering why you have the "fleur de lis" on the bottom of your page? I'm French Canadian and border to Quebec.

Monica said...

Hi Laura!
I'm a white and blue gal too, and I do love tranferware china!
Thanks very much for your lovely comment, I would have liked to write to you privately, but cannot find an email address anywhere... could your please email me when you have some time?
Thank you.


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