Monday, August 31, 2009

Just Say Yes


        When my father called this past weekend and said, “Do the girls want any of this stuff on the shelf above the washer?”, I said yes.  I always say yes. 

     This offer did not produce the treasures she had in her garage closet, but I didn’t care.  I always say yes, and not because I am a collector or because my daughters are as well.

     I say yes because it was my mother’s. He could call and say, “Would the girls like this sack of dirt?”, and I would say YES.

     The cookie cutters were part of that small stash, along with her bundt pan, and a hammered aluminum serving bowl.


          She would love knowing that Daughter #1 can now use these to make cookies for her boys at Halloween.


              Here are 3 of the 4 cookie cutters she used for her bridge club luncheons.  I wonder where the diamond is?


     Here is her biscuit cutter.

And my favorite-


Aren’t these wonderful? Wouldn’t jewel toned icing look good on these cookies?

Just say YES.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...
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Jennifer said...

Love the cookie cutters! The vintage shapes are so fun. It's funny, but my mom had the ones with tghe ace, spade, club and diamond. She used to use the diamond one alot at Christmas time. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Jennifer @ Fiddle Dee Dee

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

The fact that you want things that your mother owned really is what I wanted to comment on. I hope my daughters feel like that one day.
Yes! I would say the same thing...and did.

Tootsie said...

what a wonderful post...sentimental value is a big one...but those are some fantastic cookie cutters!!!
I am a sentimental I totally get what you wrote!

Debra@CommonGround said...

It was really sweet that your Dad called to ask, some would just pitch things. I remember when my Dad died we went through boxes and boxes of little miscellaneous things. Oh how I loved it!

Domestic Designer said...

I am just like you...I never say no! These are so precious because they were your Mom's. I know you and your girls will have so much fun using them. They are all just perfect!

Beth said...

Love 'em!

Darla said...

I agree...........Do you want......YES!

Anonymous said...

If I see a diamond one at a resale shop or garage sale, I will send it to you. How wonderful to have things that were your mother's. I have never seen the ones shown with the crown. Wonderful!


Stacey said...

Haven't seen cookie cutters like that in a long time. Reminds me of my childhood. Neat!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

How wonderful! I'll say yes!

Maree said...

I have all of those cookie cutters! They belonged to my Mother too. I feel the same way...thye are priceless!

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

All are great and beautiful memories. They will recall those special thoughts each time you or your daughters use them.

donna baker said...

I have never seen the copper ones. I too have many cookie cutters. They are also easy to make yourself.

Michelle said...

How could you say no? What a wonderful thing to have something that your mother used in her daily life. What treasures!

Karen said...

I love seeing that soft side of your dad. I hope he rations out these times so you will have many more precious memories.

trash talk said...

Oh heck to the yeah! Those must be such a sweet memory for you. What did your mother's biscuits taste like...heaven on earth? Love the Halloween cutouts. Your G'kids will have such a great time with those.

Amy said...

Can't have to many cookie cutters and they were your mother's to boot!! I love the copper ones! I've never seen any like those before.

Sandra said...

Oooh! What a great gift! Have a ton of fun with them. :)

SmilingSally said...

How nice of your father to think of you as he cleans.

Candy said...

Yes, I like that. I'm a yes gal too!
The memory cookies that these will continue to make and the stories that will flood your mind that you will share with your girls...
Never seen these royal ones before.
Thanks for sharing today ;-)

LPC said...

Those cookie cutters look like jewelry...


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