I know in many people’s minds it is just stuff, but I just lost a portion of my milk glass collection, including a large blue and white pitcher with this marking.
If anyone knows the value that this hallmark indicates, don’t tell me. Just say:
“I am really sorry Laura,” or
“No big deal Laura, they have those EVERYWHERE.”
Then I will be able to read between the lines.
And just think…that pitcher may have survived some HUGE historical event but died in my house.
All I did was reach for something on the top shelf of this cabinet, which was apparently faking its stability. The entire shelf fell forward, emptying its contents.
Everything came crashing down around me, shattering on the floor.
My husband, who was watching golf on television, started shouting,
“Don’t move, don’t move!” He immediately knew that I was barefoot because I always am.
That top shelf held my milk glass creamer and sugar bowl collection, including two sets of Westmoreland.
One set survived. One did not. I am choosing to believe that the set that survived is the set that belonged to my mother. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to stand it.
After seeing my face, my husband then said- “Well now you can start your quest to replace everything.”
Bless his dear, sweet heart. He knows me so well.
One last observation.
In a real sense , it is just stuff. My mother was not sitting on that shelf in the form of a creamer and sugar bowl set.
All is right with my world today. As my husband used to shout at our girls’ high school volleyball games, when things went wrong,
“Nobody’s hurt. Let’s go.”