Friday, March 6, 2009

Just Wait

As a big fan of immediacy, I enjoy the quick path of posting to printing that is part of this new world of blogging I have entered.

This morning as I face a blank page, with ideas sort of lurking at the edges of my thinking, I am reminded of the advice I used to give my students, when they did not think they had any writing ideas :

just wait.

Just wait- an idea will come.

As usual, one thing leads to another.

Just wait- the water will boil.
Just wait- it will be your turn.
Just wait- the number on the scale will go down.
Just wait- your hair will grow.
Just wait- you will be forgiven.

Now you fill in the blank.

Just wait: __________________.


Sarah said...

...I will stop wanting to eat bags of jelly beans everytime I go to the store.

Laura said...

Boy can I relate.


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