I am blessed to live in an area where the terms authentic and mexican food are synonymous.
An example of such authenticity would be La India Spice Company in Laredo, Texas.
Although I do not live in Laredo, I had the pleasure of traveling there for work several times a year, while conducting teacher mentor trainings.
On one trip, a group of us went to lunch at La India, and I had the best roasted chicken I have ever tasted.
I was completely enamored by the labeling (my photos do not do it justice- please go to the web site noted above).
I returned there at Christmas time two years later , to purchase a variety of spices to make gift baskets for friends. During that visit I saw a stack of the labels sitting on a work desk, and I asked the proprietor if I could buy one, and ever gracious- as people from Laredo are- he politely said no.

It was outside La India Spice Company that I received a gift of another kind; it was the gift of prayer because I was not feeling well during that visit.
The rosary pin shared with me that day became a gift that I have paid forward many times since.
Life is like that isn't it? That funky mixture of the everyday, the colorful, and the spiritual.
Something looks like one thing, but it is really something else.
Perhaps that is why I was so called to the label.
I live in Kuwait and it's absloutly not easy to find anything to do with mexican food..of course the other popular alternative is Indian and Asian food ..I was trying to make a burrito the other day and it was too expensive to buy avocados for guacamoli , very bad quality burrito bread and not to mention the spices to use on the rice and chicken just didnt add up right.. So I guess yes you are lucky! :) but hey..I make the best Chicken Tikka Masala ever ..hehe :)
Isn’t it neat when you find little treasures like these labels? I also believe there is a fine veil between the here, and the here after. I never take life for granted and appreciate each and every blessing.
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