Bees- lots of bees.
In South Texas this is not a good thing.
Yesterday I was watering plants near the little house ( a small house in our back yard), when I glanced up and saw them swarmed under the eave of the house.
Two things flashed through my mind.
How fast can I make it to the back door of the house , and
wow, wouldn't this make a great picture for my blog.
That is insane!
Luckily sanity returned , and I turned slowly and walked back to the house.
It really is serious. There have been deaths in our area due to bee attacks, and our neighbor's son-in-law died after an attack while mowing the grounds at work.
I started keeping an Epi-Pen and Benadryl in a desk by our back door , in the event one of us gets stung.
After the Bee Man sprayed them (can you believe he just used a spray can? - I hope he was a real Bee Man), he removed the comb to discourage them from returning.
We'll see.
He thought I was crazy as I tiptoed outside with my little Kodak EasyShare to get some shots for you.
Another exciting day in my yard. Wait until it gets to be 110 degrees.
1 comment:
I remember digging a "river" from your patio to the little house and our Barbie's would cruise along.
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